Topic Name : violence against women
Website URL :
Website Title : Social Awareness and Voluntary Education (SAVE)
Website Description : Social Awareness and Voluntary Education (SAVE) is a non-profit societal reconstruction organisation. It was established in 1993 by A. Aloysius. SAVE carries out various developmental programs to uplift the socio-economically poor and marginalized communities. The organisation continues to work for the elimination of child labor, the empowerment of women and youth, the promotion of fair labor standards, and the comprehensive development of both the rural and urban community.
Keywords Used : SAVE, SAVE ngo, SAVE Tirupur,SAVE tamilnadu ngo, Social Awareness and Voluntary Education, SAVE non profit,ngo in Tirupur, ngo in Tirupur for children,ngo in Tirupur for women, ngo for women in Tirupur, prevention of violence against children,women empowerment,empowerment of women,violence against women,child health care,womens empowerment,ngo for child welfare,against child labor,elimination of child labor, prevention of violence against women, maternal health ngo,sexual and reproductive health care, maternal and neonatal health, child health and nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, prevention of violence against women and children
Viewport : Mobile Optimized
Website URL :
Website Title : Odanadi | United against human trafficking
Website Description : Odanadi adresses all forms of sexual violence against women and children, with a special focus on human trafficking.
Keywords Used : trafficking, donate, human trafficking, odanadi, support odanadi, children, india, traffickers, violence against women, volunteer, rehabilitate, international, sweden, united kingdom, united states, netherlands, sexual violence
Viewport : Mobile Optimized