Topic Name : Kaschmir
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Website Title : India Houseboat ... in Kashmir, India :: Welcome :: Our Luxury Houseboats :: Willkommen
Website Description : At the foot of the Himalayas lies Srinagar at the pituresque Nageen-Lake as an oasis to relax. Like in a fairy tail of 1001 night *this** beautiful decorated Luxury-Houseboats, handmade from ceder- and pinewood are lying at the lake property of Abdullah Wangnoo. In den Bergen des Himalaya in Kashmir liegt Srinagar am malerischen Nagin-See als Oase zum Entspannen. Wie in einem Maerchen aus 1001 Nacht liegen die wunderschoen verzierten Super-Deluxe-Hausboote aus handgeschnitztem Zedern- und Pinienholz von Abdullah Wangnoo.
Keywords Used : Indien, India, Houseboat, Hausboot, Uebernachtung, Unterkunft, Hotel, Kashmir, Kaschmir, Himalaya, Dal Lake, Nagain Lake, Srinagar, Tipadvisor,, Berge, Mountains, Abenteuer, Adventure, Urlaub, Reise, Travel, Holiday, Aktivurlaub, Exotisch, Exotic, Floating Market, Luxus, Luxury, Entspannung, Relaxing, Oase, Idylle, Ruhe, malerisch, Bazar, Trekking, Ski, Golf, Rafting, Bootstour, Trekking, Wandern