Topic Name : deregulation
Website URL :
Website Title : School Choice Campaign: Fund Students, Not Schools!
Website Description : School Choice is a policy reform idea developed to increase the involvement of parents in responsibly schooling their children by giving them ownership of the task.
Keywords Used : School Choice, School, Choice, Campaign, Education, Vouchers, Voucher System, primary education, students, School Voucher, education in India, right to education, Millennium Development Goals, MDG, education for poor, public school, private school, per child funding, scholarship, budget private school, deregulation, decentralisation, public private partnership, competition, accountability, empowerment, charter schools, Conditional Cash Transfers, Community Schools, licenses, regulations, low fee schools, teacher unions, teacher absenteeism, liberalization, innovations, equity, school boards, legalization of for-profit schools, contracting out, learning contract, performance pay, fundamental right, constitution amendment, UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, CCS, centre for civil society, national alliance for school choice, Jharkhand, Delhi, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Pehel, Parspar, shiksha, Shikshak ka apana school, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, planning commission, MHRD, PIL, public policy, chayan, abhiyan