Topic Name : decentralisation
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Website Title : School Choice Campaign: Fund Students, Not Schools!
Website Description : School Choice is a policy reform idea developed to increase the involvement of parents in responsibly schooling their children by giving them ownership of the task.
Keywords Used : School Choice, School, Choice, Campaign, Education, Vouchers, Voucher System, primary education, students, School Voucher, education in India, right to education, Millennium Development Goals, MDG, education for poor, public school, private school, per child funding, scholarship, budget private school, deregulation, decentralisation, public private partnership, competition, accountability, empowerment, charter schools, Conditional Cash Transfers, Community Schools, licenses, regulations, low fee schools, teacher unions, teacher absenteeism, liberalization, innovations, equity, school boards, legalization of for-profit schools, contracting out, learning contract, performance pay, fundamental right, constitution amendment, UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 26, CCS, centre for civil society, national alliance for school choice, Jharkhand, Delhi, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Pehel, Parspar, shiksha, Shikshak ka apana school, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, planning commission, MHRD, PIL, public policy, chayan, abhiyan
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Website Title : Home - Education For All in India
Website Description : Welcome to the World of Education: At Your Service Since 1999
Keywords Used : 18-core,abhiyan,access achievement, google, i-phone, glaxy, samsung, SEQI, School Education quality Index, NITI aayog, RMSA, Samagra, Udise, NPE 2019, Draft, Draft NPE 2019, CPRHE, NIEPA NUEPA, Prof Arun c Mehta, OpenEMIS,mobile phone, mobile assessoty, e-bay, flipcart, snap deals, chienese phones, recharge, global monitoring report, uis, unesco institute for statisticsswach bharat abhiyan, narendra modi, pmo, technical support group, rusa, rastiya, tca, technical support group of rmsa, uchhtar shiksha abhiyan, smriti irani, human resource development, school GIS, school geospatial information system, local information system, committee on unified education statistics, NUEPA, Government of india,,, mahatama gandi peace insitiute, hrm, shala darpan, census of india 2011 urban population, literates, literacy rates, child workers, population projections 2011 to 2016, 6-11, 11-14, 15-16, 16-18 years, retention, transition, internal efficiency, student-classroom ratio, pupil teacher ratio, RTE Grading 2013-14,,,,,, child tracking syste, cts, telangana, andhra pradesh, gujarat, rajasthan, acmehta, action, ugc, administration, AICTE, global monitoring report 2015, uneso, efa review, 2015, unified dise, u-dise-ghana, cambodia, sudan, census of india 2011, ncsl, national centre for school leadership, national centre for policy research in higher education, ncprh, iraq, nepal,census of india 2011 population, census of india 2011 child population, 2011 single-age population, projected population up to 2016 by arun c mehta, propjected 6-11, 11-14, 14-16, 16-18 population , 2012 to 2016, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2016, edusat, nuepa, youtube acmehta100, naveen bhatia, universities, twenty-first centuary, higer, education, mid-day meal, noon-meal, KGBV, NPEGEL, EDI, UIS, NUEPA, department of EMIS, alternative, attendance, arun, arunmehta, assessment, BAS, Baseline, blackboard, Bodies, books,BRC ,case, cbse, teacher, teachers grant, school grant,DPEPmis, household survey, out of school, children,census of india, 2001, Comments, commission, commitment, conference, constitutional, council, courses, CRC, criteria, curriculum, Dakar, data, decentralisation, Definitions, definitions, delors, department, department of elementary and literacy, department of secondary education, deprived, detention, development, department, district, state, mission, directors, world bank, unicef, unesco, uis, EC, ADB, DIET, district, DPEP, dropouts, edstats, Education, educational, EFA, elementary, EDI, Education Development Index, Ranking of states, indicators, access, infrastructure, outcomes, teachers, rural india, urban india, university, national, nuepa, Financial, flow, framework, gender, GER, goals, Guidelines, human development index, hdi,IGNOU, iiep, IIPS, iit, iitjee, incentive, India, indicators, inequality, information, innovative, integrated , JRM, joint review mission, kothari, learn, Links, literacy, Local, management, mapping, MAS, mehta, arun c mehta, national institute of educational planning and administration, method, mdethods, mhrd, micro, mid –term, ministry, mission, modules, monitoring, Myth, National, ncert, NCTE, NER, never-enrolled, news, NFHS, NIEPA, nlm, non-formal, NPE, NSSO, NIC web portal, ob, operation, out-of-school, parameters, people, planning, POA, policy, popmap, rastriya madhyamik shiksha abhiyan, population, private schools, Process, programme, projections, quality, rate, ratio, Reality, Release, research, resources, retention, RMSA, review, unrecognised schools, sample, sarva, SC, schemes, school, shiksha, SSA, Staffing, states, statistics, structure, students, studies, sub-national, Summary, supervision, survey, system, targets ,Teachers, Technical, thematic, training, transition, tribal, undergraduate, un-enrolled, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNICEF, Uniikrishnan, universal. UPE, universalisation of secondary education, upper primary, women, world , Year 2000, mid-decade, assessment, savita kaushal, yazli jojephine, manju narula, vps raju, kausar wizarat, s k malik, sangeeta aungam, SEQI, school educational quality index, Samagra Shiksha, NPE 2020, on-line education, udise+, udise-plus, performance monitoring index, PMI
Viewport : Mobile Optimized
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Website Title : Educational Links
Website Description : All about important educational links.
Keywords Used : 18-core,abhiyan,access achievement, acmehta, action, administration, AICTE, alternative, attendance, arun, arunmehta, assessment, BAS, Baseline, blackboard, Bodies, books,BRC ,case, cbse, teacher, teachers grant, school grant,DPEPmis, household survey, out of school, children,census of india, 2001, Comments, commission, commitment, conference, constitutional, council, courses, CRC, criteria, curriculum, Dakar, data, decentralisation, Definitions, definitions, delors, department, deprived, detention, development, department, district, state, mission, directors, world bank, unicef, unesco, uis, EC, ADB, DIET, district, DPEP, dropouts, edstats, Education, educational, EFA, elementary, Financial, flow, framework, gender, GER, goals, Guidelines, human development index, hdi,IGNOU, iiep, IIPS, iit, iitjee, incentive, India, indicators, inequality, information, innovative, integrated , kothari, learn, Links, literacy, Local, management, mapping, MAS, mehta, method, mdethods, mhrd, micro, mid –term, ministry, mission, modules, monitoring, Myth, National, ncert, NCTE, NER, never-enrolled, news, NFHS, NIEPA, nlm, non-formal, NPE, NSSO, ob, operation, out-of-school, parameters, people, planning, POA, policy, popmap, population, Process, programme, projections, quality, rate, ratio, Reality, Release, research, resources, retention, review, sample, sarva, SC, schemes, school, shiksha, SSA, Staffing, states, statistics, structure, students, studies, sub-national, Summary, supervision, survey, system, targets ,Teachers, Technical, thematic, training, transition, tribal, undergraduate, un-enrolled, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNICEF, Uniikrishnan, universal. UPE, upper primary, women, world , Year 2000