- Detailed Indepth Information and Report for server location, website speed, website DNS lookup, Domain Details, social account information, etc. Complete Analysis of SEO like Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Description, image count etc.

Web Analysis for vapidentalclinic -

Page URL :
Page Download Size : 14.6250 Kb
Page Load Time : 0.0837 Sec
Download Speed : 0.1706 Mbps

Shri Dr Teckchandani's Dental Clinic is a multispeciality dental clinic situated in Vapi, Gujarat, India with Dr Chirag Teckchandani and Dr Priyanka Teckchandani offering all the latest dental treatment like painless injections, painless root canal treatment, laser dentistry, teeth whitening, teeth fillings, child dental care, gums treatment, tooth cleaning, straightening teeth, dental implants, dentures, bridges etc in affordable prices under strict sterilization protocol. We have under us a team of dental specialist dedicated to provide you and your family with complete dental care.During our test, was downloaded in 0.0837 seconds. The homepage of the website is of 14.6250 Kb. The homepage was downloaded at the speed of 0.1706 Mbps, which is on the lower side. business details :

We could not found details of the business associated with the website

Website Rank & Score to by Global & Country

The AuraStats, which measures best global as well country Alexa ranking performace of ranks is not applicable. is not a top rated website as per Alexa Ranking. The website does not rank amongst top 1 million websites globally or in its country.

Global Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Country Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Web Server Information - is hosted on Server in Data Center. Approximate latitude and logitude of the IP are 40.233840942383 and -111.65853118896 respectively. is hosted in Provo, Utah, United States.

Hosted IP Address

Hosted Country

United States

Location Latitude


Location Longitude


Server ISP

Server Region


Server City


Page Title of

Vapi Dental Clinic, Dentist Vapi, Dr Teckchandani's Dental Clinic | Painless Root canal treatment, Dental Implants, Cosmetic Dentistry, Braces treatment & Denture Support

Meta Tags of

Upon analysing the homepage of, we found the following meta keywords - dentist, dental clinic, multi speciality dental clinic, laser dentistry, lasers, lasers in dentistry, gujarat, vapi, cheap, affordable, economical, best,aesthetic, braces, braces treatment, wire treatment, root canal treatment, RCT, tooth whitening, tooth bleaching, gujarati dentist, sindhi dentist, dental surgeon, pyorrhoea, specialist, daman, silvassa, chala, hospital, pain free treatment, painless treatment, tooth coloured filling, silver filling, cavity, decay, caries, cap, cover, crown, metal crown, tooth coloured crown, crowns with warranty, gold crowns, gold caps, silver caps, metal cap, ceramic cap, ceramic crown, acrylic cap, temporary cap, temporary bridge, metal bridge, silver bridge, ceramic bridge, tooth coloured bridge, gold bridge, painless root canal treatment, painless dentist, dental hygeine, anti ageing dental treatment, sensitive teeth, tooth sensitivity, cure of sensitive teeth, senistive to hot and cold, mouth smell, breath smell, foul smell from mouth, halitosis, bad breath, tooth jewellery, diamond in tooth, smile design, tooth tatoo, artificial teeth, dental spa, fixed teeth, cosmetic dentistry, fashion teeth, straight teeth in one day, fixed teeth in one day, implants, dental implants, tooth implants, white teeth in one hour, tooth cleaning, scaling, flap surgery, gum treatment, curettage, bleeding gums, swelling in gums, calculus, deposits, pregnancy and dentistry, mobile teeth, gum treatment for pregnant females, decayed teeth, painful teeth, paining teeth, kids dentist, pedo dentist, pedodontist, dentist for kids, fillings for kids, root canal treatment for kids, space maintainers, milk teeth permanent teeth, partial denture, complete denture, flexible denture, cast partial denture, metal denture, removable denture, fixed denture, implant supported denture, Endodontist, Peridontist, Orthodontists, Oral surgeon, Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, oral radiologists, Oral medicine expert, Community dentist, consultant dentist, Prosthodontist, Conservative dentist, wisdom tooth removal, 3rd molar tooth removal, impaction treatment, tooth pain, dental treatment for diabetics, diabetes in dental treatment, dental treatment in cardiac patients, Sterilization, sterilized clinic, sterlizied instruments, dental care in high blood pressure, dental care in diabetes, dental care in heart patients, tobocco damaged teeth treatment, attrited teeth, attrition, abraded teeth, abrasion, worn out teeth, less mouth opening, limited mouth opening,OSMF, oral fibrosis, oral swelling, cheek swelling, lip swelling, Gingivitis, periodontitis, Dr Teckchandani's Dental clinic, Dental Clinic in vapi, Dental clinic in chala,Dental clinic on Daman road, Dr Chirag Teckchandani, Dr Priyanka Teckchandani.

Meta Viewport of is Mobile Optimized.

We could not find Meta Author, Meta Generator, Meta Framework, Meta Theme-Color, Meta Ms-App, Meta Format Detection for

Meta Keywords

dentist, dental clinic, multi speciality dental clinic, laser dentistry, lasers, lasers in dentistry, gujarat, vapi, cheap, affordable, economical, best,aesthetic, braces, braces treatment, wire treatment, root canal treatment, RCT, tooth whitening, tooth bleaching, gujarati dentist, sindhi dentist, dental surgeon, pyorrhoea, specialist, daman, silvassa, chala, hospital, pain free treatment, painless treatment, tooth coloured filling, silver filling, cavity, decay, caries, cap, cover, crown, metal crown, tooth coloured crown, crowns with warranty, gold crowns, gold caps, silver caps, metal cap, ceramic cap, ceramic crown, acrylic cap, temporary cap, temporary bridge, metal bridge, silver bridge, ceramic bridge, tooth coloured bridge, gold bridge, painless root canal treatment, painless dentist, dental hygeine, anti ageing dental treatment, sensitive teeth, tooth sensitivity, cure of sensitive teeth, senistive to hot and cold, mouth smell, breath smell, foul smell from mouth, halitosis, bad breath, tooth jewellery, diamond in tooth, smile design, tooth tatoo, artificial teeth, dental spa, fixed teeth, cosmetic dentistry, fashion teeth, straight teeth in one day, fixed teeth in one day, implants, dental implants, tooth implants, white teeth in one hour, tooth cleaning, scaling, flap surgery, gum treatment, curettage, bleeding gums, swelling in gums, calculus, deposits, pregnancy and dentistry, mobile teeth, gum treatment for pregnant females, decayed teeth, painful teeth, paining teeth, kids dentist, pedo dentist, pedodontist, dentist for kids, fillings for kids, root canal treatment for kids, space maintainers, milk teeth permanent teeth, partial denture, complete denture, flexible denture, cast partial denture, metal denture, removable denture, fixed denture, implant supported denture, Endodontist, Peridontist, Orthodontists, Oral surgeon, Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, oral radiologists, Oral medicine expert, Community dentist, consultant dentist, Prosthodontist, Conservative dentist, wisdom tooth removal, 3rd molar tooth removal, impaction treatment, tooth pain, dental treatment for diabetics, diabetes in dental treatment, dental treatment in cardiac patients, Sterilization, sterilized clinic, sterlizied instruments, dental care in high blood pressure, dental care in diabetes, dental care in heart patients, tobocco damaged teeth treatment, attrited teeth, attrition, abraded teeth, abrasion, worn out teeth, less mouth opening, limited mouth opening,OSMF, oral fibrosis, oral swelling, cheek swelling, lip swelling, Gingivitis, periodontitis, Dr Teckchandani's Dental clinic, Dental Clinic in vapi, Dental clinic in chala,Dental clinic on Daman road, Dr Chirag Teckchandani, Dr Priyanka Teckchandani

Meta Author

Not Applicable

Meta Generator

Not Applicable

Meta Viewport

Mobile Optimized

Meta Framework

Not Applicable

Meta Theme Color

Not Applicable

Meta MS-App

Not Applicable

Meta Format Detection

Not Applicable

Social Accounts

We could not find Facebook URL, Youtube URL, Instagram URL, Lindedin URL for

Facebook Link
Not Available
Youtube Link
Not Available
Instagram Link
Not Available
Linkedin Link
Not Available

Contact Information -

Contact Number
We have detected the Contact Number for as follows:
Email Address
We found the Email ID for as follows.
[email protected]

Domain TYPOS

Some common domain name typos of are as follows:

Website Inpage Analysis

We didn't find any H1 Tags, H5 Tags, H6 Tags, Iframe Tags, Audio Tags, Video Tags, Google Adsense, Google Analytics on, however, there are 4 H2 Tags, 4 H3 Tags, 3 H4 Tags, 22 Paragraph Tags, 8 Image Tags, 46 Div Tags.

H1 Heading

Not Applicable

H3 Heading


H5 Heading

Not Applicable

P Tag



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Google Adsense

Not Applicable

H2 Heading


H4 Heading


H6 Heading

Not Applicable

Total Images


Div Tag



Not Applicable

Google Analytics

Not Applicable

HTTP Header Analysis

Following is the HTTP Header Analyis of