www.pentacle.in - Detailed Indepth Information and Report for www.pentacle.in server location, www.pentacle.in website speed, www.pentacle.in website DNS lookup, www.pentacle.in Domain Details,www.pentacle.in social account information, etc. Complete Analysis of www.pentacle.in SEO like Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Description, image count etc.

Web Analysis for pentacle - www.pentacle.in

Page URL : http://www.pentacle.in/
Page Download Size : 0.1992 Kb
Page Load Time : 0.0202 Sec
Download Speed : 0.0096 Mbps

During our test, www.pentacle.in was downloaded in 0.0202 seconds. The homepage of the website is of 0.1992 Kb. The homepage was downloaded at the speed of 0.0096 Mbps, which is on the lower side.

www.pentacle.in business details :

We could not found details of the business associated with the website www.pentacle.in

Website Rank & Score to pentacle.in by Global & Country

The AuraStats, which measures best global as well country Alexa ranking performace of www.pentacle.in. www.pentacle.in ranks is not applicable. www.pentacle.in is not a top rated website as per Alexa Ranking. The website www.pentacle.in does not rank amongst top 1 million websites globally or in its country.

Global Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Country Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Web Server Information - www.pentacle.in

pentacle.in is hosted on Server in Microsoft Corporation Data Center. Approximate latitude and logitude of the IP are 18.519569396973 and 73.855346679688 respectively. pentacle.in is hosted in Pune, Maharashtra, India.

Hosted IP Address

Hosted Country


Location Latitude


Location Longitude


Server ISP

Microsoft Corporation

Server Region


Server City


Page Title of www.pentacle.in

Pentacle | Leading | System Integration | I. T. Solutions | Provider

Meta Tags of www.pentacle.in

Upon analysing the homepage of www.pentacle.in, we found the following meta keywords - Leading I. T. Solutions Provider In Lucknow, System Integration Specialist In Lucknow, ZOHO Workplace Partners, ZOHO Workplace Support, ZOHO Workplace Suite Integration, Office 365 partner and Azure partner, office 365 cloud solution provider, Office 365 Software Provider In Lucknow, office 365 partner in Lucknow, azure cloud service, Microsoft azure cloud services, azure service provider, Cloud Service Provider In Lucknow, Public Cloud Service Provider In Lucknow, Cloud Migration Services in Lucknow, Backup & Disaster Recovery Services in Lucknow, Microsoft 365 Clouds Services in Lucknow, Azure Clouds Services in Lucknow, AWS Clouds Services in Lucknow, & ZOHO Clouds in Lucknow, microsoft azure, azure cloud, azure migration service, azure cloud consultant, azure partner, azure cloud services in Lucknow, private cloud solutions, private cloud services, private cloud solution providers, cloud services, cloud service providers, cloud service providers in Lucknow , cloud computing services, cloud computing company in Lucknow, Servers in Lucknow, servers, assembled servers, Xeon Servers, Rackmount Server, Tower Server in Lucknow, Low cost server in Lucknow, GPU Server, Server for AI, Server for ML, Storage server, Customized Servers and Workstations, Cloud Computing Company In Lucknow, servers, storage, chassis, motherboards, sgs, sg systems, workstations, blade server, rackmount server, tower server, power supply, raid controller, solid state drive, server components, server and storage solutions, data center solution providers in Lucknow, it managed service providers in Lucknow, networking solution provider in Lucknow, data security services, system integration services Lucknow, it solutions Hazratganj Lucknow, server storage solution providers, storage solutions Lucknow, it solution company, it solutions company in Lucknow, networking solutions Lucknow, data center services, data center solutions, system integrators in Lucknow, servers and storage, business network storage, servers and storage supplier, business network storage supplier, servers and storage wholesaler, business network storage wholesaler, servers and storage trader, business network storage trader, hp servers, ibm server, qnap nas server, lomega nas server, hp server supplier and wholesaler, qnap nas server supplier and wholesaler, AWS Cloud, Hosting And Servers, AWS Cloud Services In Lucknow, Leading Amazon Certified AWS Partners In Lucknow, Fully Managed AWS Cloud Service In Lucknow, Highly Beneficial Client Computing Azure, IaaS, SaaS Cloud Services In Lucknow, Cloud Computing Service In Lucknow, Networking Solutions in Lucknow, Collaboration Data Center & Software Defined Networking, Networking Service Provider in Lucknow Top Software Company In Lucknow, Reliable Business Management Solutions in Lucknow, Threat Hunting, Detection & Response Network Security Solutions In Lucknow, Network Security Solutions In Lucknow, Adaptable Network Security Solutions In Lucknow, Printing and Scanning Solutions In Lucknow, Thermal Scanner & Printer Provider In Lucknow, Displays & Projectors With Top-Quality & Effective Performances, Projectors & Display Screens provider in Lucknow, Condition Monitoring Based On Real-Time Data, Surveillance Products & Systems Provider In Lucknow, Surveillance Products & Systems At Best Price In Lucknow, Awards Winning Company For Managed IT Services In Lucknow, Gold partner of Microsoft, Google Cloud, ZOHO , AWS and more, Specialized IT consultancy Services In Lucknow, Network Design & Security Services In Lucknow, Cloud Consulting Services In Lucknow, Data Centre Design Services In Lucknow, IT Hardware Provider In Lucknow, Software Licensing & Procurement Services In Lucknow, Project Management Services In Lucknow, End-to-End infrastructure solution Provider In Lucknow, Become A Qualified I.T. Professional, Build Your Career With Pentacle I.T. Solutions Lucknow, Cloud Migration and Support Services In Lucknow, Facility Management Services In Lucknow, Remote Managed Services In Lucknow, Integration Services In Lucknow. .

Meta Viewport of www.pentacle.in is Mobile Optimized.

We could not find Meta Author, Meta Generator, Meta Framework, Meta Theme-Color, Meta Ms-App, Meta Format Detection for www.pentacle.in

Meta Keywords

Leading I. T. Solutions Provider In Lucknow, System Integration Specialist In Lucknow, ZOHO Workplace Partners, ZOHO Workplace Support, ZOHO Workplace Suite Integration, Office 365 partner and Azure partner, office 365 cloud solution provider, Office 365 Software Provider In Lucknow, office 365 partner in Lucknow, azure cloud service, Microsoft azure cloud services, azure service provider, Cloud Service Provider In Lucknow, Public Cloud Service Provider In Lucknow, Cloud Migration Services in Lucknow, Backup & Disaster Recovery Services in Lucknow, Microsoft 365 Clouds Services in Lucknow, Azure Clouds Services in Lucknow, AWS Clouds Services in Lucknow, & ZOHO Clouds in Lucknow, microsoft azure, azure cloud, azure migration service, azure cloud consultant, azure partner, azure cloud services in Lucknow, private cloud solutions, private cloud services, private cloud solution providers, cloud services, cloud service providers, cloud service providers in Lucknow , cloud computing services, cloud computing company in Lucknow, Servers in Lucknow, servers, assembled servers, Xeon Servers, Rackmount Server, Tower Server in Lucknow, Low cost server in Lucknow, GPU Server, Server for AI, Server for ML, Storage server, Customized Servers and Workstations, Cloud Computing Company In Lucknow, servers, storage, chassis, motherboards, sgs, sg systems, workstations, blade server, rackmount server, tower server, power supply, raid controller, solid state drive, server components, server and storage solutions, data center solution providers in Lucknow, it managed service providers in Lucknow, networking solution provider in Lucknow, data security services, system integration services Lucknow, it solutions Hazratganj Lucknow, server storage solution providers, storage solutions Lucknow, it solution company, it solutions company in Lucknow, networking solutions Lucknow, data center services, data center solutions, system integrators in Lucknow, servers and storage, business network storage, servers and storage supplier, business network storage supplier, servers and storage wholesaler, business network storage wholesaler, servers and storage trader, business network storage trader, hp servers, ibm server, qnap nas server, lomega nas server, hp server supplier and wholesaler, qnap nas server supplier and wholesaler, AWS Cloud, Hosting And Servers, AWS Cloud Services In Lucknow, Leading Amazon Certified AWS Partners In Lucknow, Fully Managed AWS Cloud Service In Lucknow, Highly Beneficial Client Computing Azure, IaaS, SaaS Cloud Services In Lucknow, Cloud Computing Service In Lucknow, Networking Solutions in Lucknow, Collaboration Data Center & Software Defined Networking, Networking Service Provider in Lucknow Top Software Company In Lucknow, Reliable Business Management Solutions in Lucknow, Threat Hunting, Detection & Response Network Security Solutions In Lucknow, Network Security Solutions In Lucknow, Adaptable Network Security Solutions In Lucknow, Printing and Scanning Solutions In Lucknow, Thermal Scanner & Printer Provider In Lucknow, Displays & Projectors With Top-Quality & Effective Performances, Projectors & Display Screens provider in Lucknow, Condition Monitoring Based On Real-Time Data, Surveillance Products & Systems Provider In Lucknow, Surveillance Products & Systems At Best Price In Lucknow, Awards Winning Company For Managed IT Services In Lucknow, Gold partner of Microsoft, Google Cloud, ZOHO , AWS and more, Specialized IT consultancy Services In Lucknow, Network Design & Security Services In Lucknow, Cloud Consulting Services In Lucknow, Data Centre Design Services In Lucknow, IT Hardware Provider In Lucknow, Software Licensing & Procurement Services In Lucknow, Project Management Services In Lucknow, End-to-End infrastructure solution Provider In Lucknow, Become A Qualified I.T. Professional, Build Your Career With Pentacle I.T. Solutions Lucknow, Cloud Migration and Support Services In Lucknow, Facility Management Services In Lucknow, Remote Managed Services In Lucknow, Integration Services In Lucknow.

Meta Author

Not Applicable

Meta Generator

Not Applicable

Meta Viewport

Mobile Optimized

Meta Framework

Not Applicable

Meta Theme Color

Not Applicable

Meta MS-App

Not Applicable

Meta Format Detection

Not Applicable

Social Accounts

www.pentacle.in has a Facebook page link on its website. The Facebook link of www.pentacle.in is https://www.facebook.com/pentacleit

www.pentacle.in has a Lindedin link on its website. The LinkedIn URL of www.pentacle.in is https://www.linkedin.com/company/pentacleit/

We could not find Youtube URL, Instagram URL for www.pentacle.in

Facebook Link
Youtube Link
Not Available
Instagram Link
Not Available
Linkedin Link

Contact Information - pentacle.in

Contact Number
We have detected the Contact Number for pentacle.in as follows:
Email Address
We found the Email ID for pentacle.in as follows.
[email protected]

Domain TYPOS

Some common domain name typos of pentacle.in are as follows:

Website Inpage Analysis

We didn't find any H1 Tags, H5 Tags, H6 Tags, Iframe Tags, Audio Tags, Video Tags, Google Adsense, Google Analytics on pentacle.in, however, there are 2 H2 Tags, 34 H3 Tags, 1 H4 Tags, 6 Paragraph Tags, 2 Image Tags, 112 Div Tags.

H1 Heading

Not Applicable

H3 Heading


H5 Heading

Not Applicable

P Tag



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Google Adsense

Not Applicable

H2 Heading


H4 Heading


H6 Heading

Not Applicable

Total Images


Div Tag



Not Applicable

Google Analytics

Not Applicable

HTTP Header Analysis

Following is the HTTP Header Analyis of www.pentacle.in