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Manohar Memorial College, Fatehabad came into its pious existence on June 24, 1970. The college has been marching ahead on its uphill journey since its inception. It has since become synonymous with dedication, commitment and service to the community in this educationally and culturally backward region. It is universally recognised for its impeccable credentials of being a top-ranking and first-rate institution all over the state. It has left behind more than four glorious decades of its eventful history. The college owes its emergence to the divine inspiration of Late Swami Gita Nand Ji Maharaj who counselled Late Mehta Khem Raj Ji Batra to found a college in the name of his only son Manohar Batra who had been snatched away by the cruel hands of destiny in his blooming youth while he had still seen only twenty one springs of his life. The college was approved in the first instance by the Panjab University, Chandigarh then to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra and is presently affiliated to Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa. The self-contained twenty acre sprawling campus is strategically located in the heart of the city on the National Highway in its green natural environs. It is well equipped with an extensive building infrastructure containing all state-of-the art facilities. The campus boasts of spacious and well-maintained play grounds for all games and sports. A U.G.C. sponsored three-storeyed Women’s Hostel with all modern amenities marks as a majestic landmark on the Campus. There are six ultra modern air-conditioned laboratories of Computers and an English Language Laboratory. In addition there are Physics, Chemistry, Bio-technology, Home Science and Music laboratories with all the Modern facilities. This college started with Arts Faculty in the year of its inauguration in 1970. The Commerce Faculty was added soon after in 1972. Honours classes were introduced in English, Punjabi and Sanskrit in 1992. The year 1995-1996 saw further strengthening of the Arts Faculty with new subjects of Home Science and Music (Instrumental) being taught. From 2001-02 onwards the college provided the specialized studies in ‘O’ Level Computer Course under Employment Generation Scheme of Government of India. Later the job oriented Vocational Course in B.Com. (Computer Applications) and ‘A’ Level Computer Course were added in the year 2002-03 and 2003-04 respectively. The college added new feathers in its cap in the year 2008-09. It was elevated to the status of a Post-Graduate College with the start of M.A. English and Masters in Commerce. It was also a significant year on account of introduction of Science Faculty with B.Sc. in Non-medical and Computer Science. Simultaneously B.C.A. and the U.G.C. Sponsored Add-on Courses including Fashion Designing and Functional English were also added to the courses of study during the same year. The session 2009-10 further opened new avenues for our students as the Humanities Group was reinforced with two more elective subjects of Physical Education and Music (Vocal). The Science stream was further expanded with the offering of Bio-technology during this year. The year 2009-2010 also provided a host of U.G.C. Sponsored Career Oriented Add-on courses including Office Management, Theatre and Television and Computer Maintenance and Networking. The U.G.C. also awarded to this college a UGC Sponsored Foundation Course in Human Rights aimed at sensitizing the youth about human values during 2009-2010. The session 2009-2010 remained significant for yet another reason that this college offered a boon to the housewives, working women, employed and unemployed youth by starting the Evening Classes. The job oriented courses of Diploma in Fashion Designing and Diploma in Computer Maintenance and Networking were started to cater to the needs of the above categories thus enabling them to Learn as wells as Earn. The new classes M.A. (Economics) and B.B.A. were introduced from the current session 2010-11 in addition to U.G.C. sponsored Add-on courses Internet and Web Designing, Secretarial Practice and certificate course in Human Rights. The University Grants Commission has also granted the permission to establish the Nehru Study Centre under the scheme of Epoch Making, and a Women Study Centre in the college. One year Bachelor of Library and Information Science course after graduation was introduced in the college during the session 2011-12. Further two new post-graduate subjects Hindi and Punjabi were also started during the session 2012-13. It is matter of great pride and honour that during the last more than four decades this multi-faculty Co-educational college has made a remarkable headway not only in the field of academics but has also recorded its outstanding presence in the domains of cultural activities, N.C.C., N.S.S., Sports and various other allied disciplines at Haryana and National Level. The Management of this college enjoys a singularly illustrious and unique reputation for a calm, tranquil and harmonious running of college affairs. It draws its membership from all sections of society cutting across barriers of caste, community, faith and political persuasions. The Manohar Memorial Education Society is presently headed by the eminent philanthropist, social illuminary, young and dynamic personality Shri Rajiv Batra, as President who is ably supported by a devoted team of eminent figures including Shri Ashok Taneja as Vice President, Shri Vinod Mehta, Advocate as General Secretary, and Shri Kailash Batra as Treasurer besides, of course, a band of other prominent personalities of the town. M.M. College is indeed a brand name today in the field of higher education religiously engaged in exploring newer and fresher academic horizons year after year. Its very name evokes feelings of respect and reverence in the hearts of all its stakeholders. Dr. Gurcharan Dass Principal .During our test, was downloaded in 0.0203 seconds. The homepage of the website is of 0.0000 Kb. The homepage was downloaded at the speed of 0.0000 Mbps, which is on the lower side. business details :

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The AuraStats, which measures best global as well country Alexa ranking performace of ranks is not applicable. is not a top rated website as per Alexa Ranking. The website does not rank amongst top 1 million websites globally or in its country.

Global Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Country Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Web Server Information - is hosted on Server in Halliburton Company Data Center. Approximate latitude and logitude of the IP are 29.941400527954 and -95.344497680664 respectively. is hosted in Houston, Texas, United States.

Hosted IP Address

Hosted Country

United States

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Location Longitude


Server ISP

Halliburton Company

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Page Title of

Manohar Memorial P.G. College | Official Home Page

Meta Tags of

Upon analysing the homepage of, we found the following meta keywords - Manohar Memorial P.G. College, Ratia Road, Fatehabad, Haryana, 125050,best school in sirsa, School in sirsa.

Meta Author of is Zimong Software Pvt. Ltd..

Meta Viewport of is Mobile Optimized.

We could not find Meta Generator, Meta Framework, Meta Theme-Color, Meta Ms-App, Meta Format Detection for

Meta Keywords

Manohar Memorial P.G. College, Ratia Road, Fatehabad, Haryana, 125050,best school in sirsa, School in sirsa

Meta Author

Zimong Software Pvt. Ltd.

Meta Generator

Not Applicable

Meta Viewport

Mobile Optimized

Meta Framework

Not Applicable

Meta Theme Color

Not Applicable

Meta MS-App

Not Applicable

Meta Format Detection

Not Applicable

Social Accounts has a Facebook page link on its website. The Facebook link of is

We could not find Youtube URL, Instagram URL, Lindedin URL for

Facebook Link
Youtube Link
Not Available
Instagram Link
Not Available
Linkedin Link
Not Available

Contact Information -

Contact Number
We have detected the Contact Number for as follows:
Email Address
We found the Email ID for as follows.
[email protected]

Domain TYPOS

Some common domain name typos of are as follows:

Website Inpage Analysis

We didn't find any H1 Tags, H3 Tags, H6 Tags, Iframe Tags, Audio Tags, Video Tags, Google Adsense, Google Analytics on, however, there are 10 H2 Tags, 9 H4 Tags, 95 H5 Tags, 41 Paragraph Tags, 127 Image Tags, 858 Div Tags.

H1 Heading

Not Applicable

H3 Heading

Not Applicable

H5 Heading


P Tag



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Google Adsense

Not Applicable

H2 Heading


H4 Heading


H6 Heading

Not Applicable

Total Images


Div Tag



Not Applicable

Google Analytics

Not Applicable

HTTP Header Analysis

Following is the HTTP Header Analyis of