www.kuenkel-wagner.com - Detailed Indepth Information and Report for www.kuenkel-wagner.com server location, www.kuenkel-wagner.com website speed, www.kuenkel-wagner.com website DNS lookup, www.kuenkel-wagner.com Domain Details,www.kuenkel-wagner.com social account information, etc. Complete Analysis of www.kuenkel-wagner.com SEO like Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Description, image count etc.

Web Analysis for kuenkel-wagner - www.kuenkel-wagner.com

Page URL : https://www.kuenkel-wagner.com/
Page Download Size : 203.1826 Kb
Page Load Time : 0.0552 Sec
Download Speed : 3.5946 Mbps

During our test, www.kuenkel-wagner.com was downloaded in 0.0552 seconds. The homepage of the website is of 203.1826 Kb. The homepage was downloaded at the speed of 3.5946 Mbps, which is on the lower side.

www.kuenkel-wagner.com business details :

We could not found details of the business associated with the website www.kuenkel-wagner.com

Website Rank & Score to kuenkel-wagner.com by Global & Country

The AuraStats, which measures best global as well country Alexa ranking performace of www.kuenkel-wagner.com. www.kuenkel-wagner.com ranks is not applicable. www.kuenkel-wagner.com is not a top rated website as per Alexa Ranking. The website www.kuenkel-wagner.com does not rank amongst top 1 million websites globally or in its country.

Global Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Country Alexa Rank

Not Applicable

Web Server Information - www.kuenkel-wagner.com

kuenkel-wagner.com is hosted on Server in 1&1 Internet SE Data Center. Approximate latitude and logitude of the IP are 49.004718780518 and 8.3858299255371 respectively. kuenkel-wagner.com is hosted in Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.

Hosted IP Address

Hosted Country


Location Latitude


Location Longitude


Server ISP

1&1 Internet SE

Server Region


Server City


Page Title of www.kuenkel-wagner.com

KÜNKEL WAGNER – Weiter denken.

Meta Tags of www.kuenkel-wagner.com

Upon analysing the homepage of www.kuenkel-wagner.com, we found the following meta keywords - Form, Formanlage, Formmaschine, Sand, Sandaufbereitung, Sandaufbereitungsanlage, Gießmaschine, Künkel, Wagner, KW, Service, Gießerei, Grünsand, Formstoff, Qualität, Automatisch, Regenerierung, Mischer, Kühler, Polygonsieb, Retrofit, Modernisierung, Formverfahren, Sandqualität, Verdichtbarkeit, Druckfestigkeit, Update, Datenbank, Service, Ersatzteile, Wartung, Reparatur, Formkasten, Twinpress, Airpress, Anlagenbau, Steuerung, Grüne Gießerei, Innovationskraft, TCO, FEM, Gussstück, Technik, Maschinenbau, Stahlguss, Eisenguss, mould , moulding plant, moulding machine, sand, sand preparation, sand preparation plant, pouring machine, kuenkel, wagner, KW, service, foundry , green sand, moulding sand, quality, automatic, reclamation, mixer, cooler, polygonal screen, retrofit, modernization, moulding process, sand quality, compressibility, compressive strength, service, spare parts, maintenance, repair, flasks, Twinpress, Airpress, energy, plant engineering , control systems, green foundry, productivity, innovation, TCO, FEM, casting, technology, mechanical engineering, steel castings, iron castings, mould , moulding plant, moulding machine, sand preparation, pouring machine, service, foundry , green sand, moulding sand, quality, automatic, reclamation, mixer, cooler, polygonal screen, retrofit, modernization, moulding process, sand quality, compressibility, compressive strength, update, database, service, spare parts, maintenance, repair, flasks, plant engineering , control systems, green foundry, innovation, casting, mechanical engineering, steel castings, iron castings, 砂型, 造型线, 造型机, 砂, 砂处理 , 砂处理设备, 浇注机, 昆克, 瓦格纳, 服务, 铸造厂, 潮模砂, 型砂, 质量, 自动, 再生, 混砂机, 冷却器 , 多角筛, 加装, 升级, 造型法, 型砂质量, 压实性, 抗压强度, 更新, 数据库, 服务, 备件, 维护, 维修 , 砂箱, 双面预紧实, 气流预紧实, 能源, 设备​制造 , 控制, 绿色铸造厂, 创新力, 总体拥有成本, 有限元方法, 铸件, 技术, 机械制造, 铸钢件, 铸铁件.

Meta Generator of www.kuenkel-wagner.com is Powered by WPBakery Page Builder - drag and drop page builder for WordPress..

Meta Viewport of www.kuenkel-wagner.com is Mobile Optimized.

We could not find Meta Author, Meta Framework, Meta Theme-Color, Meta Ms-App, Meta Format Detection for www.kuenkel-wagner.com

Meta Keywords

Form, Formanlage, Formmaschine, Sand, Sandaufbereitung, Sandaufbereitungsanlage, Gießmaschine, Künkel, Wagner, KW, Service, Gießerei, Grünsand, Formstoff, Qualität, Automatisch, Regenerierung, Mischer, Kühler, Polygonsieb, Retrofit, Modernisierung, Formverfahren, Sandqualität, Verdichtbarkeit, Druckfestigkeit, Update, Datenbank, Service, Ersatzteile, Wartung, Reparatur, Formkasten, Twinpress, Airpress, Anlagenbau, Steuerung, Grüne Gießerei, Innovationskraft, TCO, FEM, Gussstück, Technik, Maschinenbau, Stahlguss, Eisenguss, mould , moulding plant, moulding machine, sand, sand preparation, sand preparation plant, pouring machine, kuenkel, wagner, KW, service, foundry , green sand, moulding sand, quality, automatic, reclamation, mixer, cooler, polygonal screen, retrofit, modernization, moulding process, sand quality, compressibility, compressive strength, service, spare parts, maintenance, repair, flasks, Twinpress, Airpress, energy, plant engineering , control systems, green foundry, productivity, innovation, TCO, FEM, casting, technology, mechanical engineering, steel castings, iron castings, mould , moulding plant, moulding machine, sand preparation, pouring machine, service, foundry , green sand, moulding sand, quality, automatic, reclamation, mixer, cooler, polygonal screen, retrofit, modernization, moulding process, sand quality, compressibility, compressive strength, update, database, service, spare parts, maintenance, repair, flasks, plant engineering , control systems, green foundry, innovation, casting, mechanical engineering, steel castings, iron castings, 砂型, 造型线, 造型机, 砂, 砂处理 , 砂处理设备, 浇注机, 昆克, 瓦格纳, 服务, 铸造厂, 潮模砂, 型砂, 质量, 自动, 再生, 混砂机, 冷却器 , 多角筛, 加装, 升级, 造型法, 型砂质量, 压实性, 抗压强度, 更新, 数据库, 服务, 备件, 维护, 维修 , 砂箱, 双面预紧实, 气流预紧实, 能源, 设备​制造 , 控制, 绿色铸造厂, 创新力, 总体拥有成本, 有限元方法, 铸件, 技术, 机械制造, 铸钢件, 铸铁件

Meta Author

Not Applicable

Meta Generator

Powered by WPBakery Page Builder - drag and drop page builder for WordPress.

Meta Viewport

Mobile Optimized

Meta Framework

Not Applicable

Meta Theme Color

Not Applicable

Meta MS-App

Not Applicable

Meta Format Detection

Not Applicable

Social Accounts

We could not find Facebook URL, Youtube URL, Instagram URL, Lindedin URL for www.kuenkel-wagner.com

Facebook Link
Not Available
Youtube Link
Not Available
Instagram Link
Not Available
Linkedin Link
Not Available

Contact Information - kuenkel-wagner.com

Contact Number
We could not find any contact number for kuenkel-wagner.com. To find contact number of kuenkel-wagner.com, we recommend you visit kuenkel-wagner.com and find it there.
Email Address
We found the Email ID for kuenkel-wagner.com as follows.
[email protected]

Domain TYPOS

Some common domain name typos of kuenkel-wagner.com are as follows:

Website Inpage Analysis

We didn't find any H1 Tags, H5 Tags, H6 Tags, Iframe Tags, Audio Tags, Video Tags, Google Adsense, Google Analytics on kuenkel-wagner.com, however, there are 4 H2 Tags, 4 H3 Tags, 39 H4 Tags, 99 Paragraph Tags, 27 Image Tags, 158 Div Tags.

H1 Heading

Not Applicable

H3 Heading


H5 Heading

Not Applicable

P Tag



Not Applicable


Not Applicable

Google Adsense

Not Applicable

H2 Heading


H4 Heading


H6 Heading

Not Applicable

Total Images


Div Tag



Not Applicable

Google Analytics

Not Applicable

HTTP Header Analysis

Following is the HTTP Header Analyis of www.kuenkel-wagner.com