www.jcmcsiit.ac.in - Detailed Indepth Information and Report for www.jcmcsiit.ac.in server location, www.jcmcsiit.ac.in website speed, www.jcmcsiit.ac.in website DNS lookup, www.jcmcsiit.ac.in Domain Details,www.jcmcsiit.ac.in social account information, etc. Complete Analysis of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in SEO like Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Description, image count etc.
Web Analysis for jcmcsiit - www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
Page URL : | http://www.jcmcsiit.ac.in/ |
Page Download Size : | 0.6904 Kb |
Page Load Time : | 0.0384 Sec |
Download Speed : | 0.0176 Mbps |
John Cox Memorial C.S.I Institute Of Technology , Kannammola, Thiruvananthapuram with G. O. (MS) No. 124/09/H.Edn dt.3.8.09 Govt. of Kerala and affiliated with AICTE F. No. 06/06/KER/ENGG/2009-10/020 dt. 30.6.2009, Govt. of India, is functioning under the administrative control of the Society for Technical Training (STT) of South Kerala Diocese (SKD) of Church of South India (CSI), which is an educational agency fully owned and controlled by South Kerala Diocese (SKD) . The management of the institution is vested with the Governing Body and the Executive Committee headed by the Rt. Rev. A. DHARMA RAJ RASALAM, as Chairman & Manager. The constitution of the Executive Committee and Governing body is under charitable societies Registration Act XII of 1955. The institution is approved by AICTE and affiliated to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Thiruvananthapuram for its academic programs. John Cox Memorial C.S.I Institute Of Technology (JIT) started in 2009 is an institution of the Society for Technical Training, a Charitable Society under the South Kerala Diocese of the South India United Church (SIUC) of the Church of South India (CSI) Trust Association. The Registered Office of the Society for Technical Training is at LMS Compound, Thiruvananthapuram. The John Cox Memorial CSI Institute of Technology is located at Kannammoola (Kannammoola - Medical College Road), 3 Km away from Pettah Railway Station, 5 Km away from the Thiruvananthapuram Bus Station and Railway Station, 4 Km away from the Kerala Legislative Assembly and 2 Km away from the Thiruvanathapuram Medical College and is well connected by roads..During our test, www.jcmcsiit.ac.in was downloaded in 0.0384 seconds. The homepage of the website is of 0.6904 Kb. The homepage was downloaded at the speed of 0.0176 Mbps, which is on the lower side.
www.jcmcsiit.ac.in business details :
We could not found details of the business associated with the website www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
Website Rank & Score to jcmcsiit.ac.in by Global & Country
The AuraStats, which measures best global as well country Alexa ranking performace of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in. www.jcmcsiit.ac.in ranks is not applicable. www.jcmcsiit.ac.in is not a top rated website as per Alexa Ranking. The website www.jcmcsiit.ac.in does not rank amongst top 1 million websites globally or in its country.
Global Alexa Rank | Not Applicable |
Country Alexa Rank | Not Applicable |
Web Server Information - www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
jcmcsiit.ac.in is hosted on Server in HostDime.com Inc. Data Center. Approximate latitude and logitude of the IP are 28.578844070435 and -81.184600830078 respectively. jcmcsiit.ac.in is hosted in Orlando, Florida, United States.
Hosted IP Address | |
Hosted Country | United States |
Location Latitude | 28.578844070435 |
Location Longitude | -81.184600830078 |
Server ISP | HostDime.com Inc. |
Server Region | Florida |
Server City | Orlando |
Page Title of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
John Cox Memorial C.S.I Institute Of Technology
Meta Tags of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
Upon analysing the homepage of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in, we found the following meta keywords - admissions in engineering, engineering admission, best engineering college kerala,top engineering colleges kerala, top 10 engineering colleges kerala, top 10 engineering colleges india, top engineering colleges kerala, JIT,JCMCSIIT, John Cox Memorial C.S.I Institute Of Technology, Kannammoola, Thiruvananthapuram,engineering colleges in trivandrum, cox, nearest engineering colleges, engineering colleges near me, nearest engineering college, btech college, degree courses, educational institutions in kerala, engineering college, engineering courses, engineering institute of technology, engineering school, girls degree college, institute of engineering and technology, medical colleges in trivandrum, near college to me, City College, private engineering colleges, trivandrum engineering college, software engineering colleges in kerala, self financing colleges in trivandrum, Engineer,Engineering,cs,computer science, ME, Mechanical Engineering, ECE, Electronics and communication Engineering, EEE, Best College, System facility, Computer, No: 1 Computer Facility, System Admin, IT Manager Placement, Job, college, anti ragging, KTU,APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala Technological University,Academic Calendar,Results,B.Tech Programme,Thiruvananthapuram,kerala,engineering education and research,[email protected],opportunities, engineering college admission, btech admission, top engineering colleges in india, college in india,tech news,science and technology,Best Engineering College,Rank,online exam,Top 10 Engineering College .
Meta Viewport of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in is Mobile Optimized.
We could not find Meta Author, Meta Generator, Meta Framework, Meta Theme-Color, Meta Ms-App, Meta Format Detection for www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
Meta Keywords | admissions in engineering, engineering admission, best engineering college kerala,top engineering colleges kerala, top 10 engineering colleges kerala, top 10 engineering colleges india, top engineering colleges kerala, JIT,JCMCSIIT, John Cox Memorial C.S.I Institute Of Technology, Kannammoola, Thiruvananthapuram,engineering colleges in trivandrum, cox, nearest engineering colleges, engineering colleges near me, nearest engineering college, btech college, degree courses, educational institutions in kerala, engineering college, engineering courses, engineering institute of technology, engineering school, girls degree college, institute of engineering and technology, medical colleges in trivandrum, near college to me, City College, private engineering colleges, trivandrum engineering college, software engineering colleges in kerala, self financing colleges in trivandrum, Engineer,Engineering,cs,computer science, ME, Mechanical Engineering, ECE, Electronics and communication Engineering, EEE, Best College, System facility, Computer, No: 1 Computer Facility, System Admin, IT Manager Placement, Job, college, anti ragging, KTU,APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala Technological University,Academic Calendar,Results,B.Tech Programme,Thiruvananthapuram,kerala,engineering education and research,[email protected],opportunities, engineering college admission, btech admission, top engineering colleges in india, college in india,tech news,science and technology,Best Engineering College,Rank,online exam,Top 10 Engineering College |
Meta Author | Not Applicable |
Meta Generator | Not Applicable |
Meta Viewport | Mobile Optimized |
Meta Framework | Not Applicable |
Meta Theme Color | Not Applicable |
Meta MS-App | Not Applicable |
Meta Format Detection | Not Applicable |
Social Accounts
www.jcmcsiit.ac.in has a Facebook page link on its website. The Facebook link of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in is https://www.facebook.com/Jcmcsiit.Kannammoola,https://www.facebook.com/Jcmcsiit.Kannammoola/
www.jcmcsiit.ac.in has an Instagram link on its website. The Instagram link of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in is https://www.instagram.com/jcmcsiit
We could not find Youtube URL, Lindedin URL for www.jcmcsiit.ac.in
Facebook Link |
https://www.facebook.com/Jcmcsiit.Kannammoola https://www.facebook.com/Jcmcsiit.Kannammoola/ |
Youtube Link |
Not Available |
Instagram Link |
https://www.instagram.com/jcmcsiit |
Linkedin Link |
Not Available |
Contact Information - jcmcsiit.ac.in
Contact Number |
We have detected the Contact Number for jcmcsiit.ac.in as follows: |
9496981555 |
9496981666 |
9496981777 |
Email Address |
We could not find any Email ID for jcmcsiit.ac.in |
Domain TYPOS
Some common domain name typos of jcmcsiit.ac.in are as follows:
Website Inpage Analysis
We didn't find any H3 Tags, Audio Tags, Video Tags, Google Adsense, Google Analytics on jcmcsiit.ac.in, however, there are 2 H1 Tags, 3 H2 Tags, 6 H4 Tags, 5 H5 Tags, 9 H6 Tags, 14 Paragraph Tags, 2 Iframe Tags, 46 Image Tags, 154 Div Tags.
H1 Heading | 2 |
H3 Heading | Not Applicable |
H5 Heading | 5 |
P Tag | 14 |
Total IFRAMEs | 2 |
Audio | Not Applicable |
Google Adsense | Not Applicable |
H2 Heading | 3 |
H4 Heading | 6 |
H6 Heading | 9 |
Total Images | 46 |
Div Tag | 154 |
Video | Not Applicable |
Google Analytics | Not Applicable |
HTTP Header Analysis
Following is the HTTP Header Analyis of www.jcmcsiit.ac.in