www.dwitiyalifecare.com - Detailed Indepth Information and Report for www.dwitiyalifecare.com server location, www.dwitiyalifecare.com website speed, www.dwitiyalifecare.com website DNS lookup, www.dwitiyalifecare.com Domain Details,www.dwitiyalifecare.com social account information, etc. Complete Analysis of www.dwitiyalifecare.com SEO like Meta Tags, Meta Keywords, Description, image count etc.
Web Analysis for dwitiyalifecare - www.dwitiyalifecare.com
Page URL : | http://www.dwitiyalifecare.com/ |
Page Download Size : | 0.7764 Kb |
Page Load Time : | 0.0169 Sec |
Download Speed : | 0.0449 Mbps |
Dwitiya Life Care is established by a group of Doctors, Engineers & Chartered Accountants to provide Comprehensive, Cohesive & Compassionate care to the dependant segment of the society. The team is managing Old age home, Post Hospitalization In-Patient Rehabilitation, respite care for elderly, medical care for elders, Wound care, Bed sore care, Cancer care, First aid, Stroke care, Post operative care,Operative care, Temporary care for elder, Respite care, Home care, medical assistance for elders , Day care for elders, Dementia care, Post surgery care , Post hospital care, Nursing care,Advanced physiotherapy, Laboratory, General health check up programs, Blood collection centre, Sugar test center, Vaccination, sports injury, Arthroscopy treatment, Knee pain treatment, Neck pain treatment, Back pain treatment, Slip disc treatment, Non operative treatment for osteoporosis, Non operative treatment for osteoarthritis, Ligament injury, Hip replacement, Knee replacement, Spine surgery, Joint replacement surgery, Joint fluid therapy, Stem cell therapy, Advanced physiotherapy, Fracture care, PCL injury, ACL injury center, Shoulder pain centre, Joint replacement surgery, PRP Treatment, Plasma rich protein therapy, Key hole surgery, Painless ear piercing, Paralysis treatment, Recovery center, Paralysis treatment etc..During our test, www.dwitiyalifecare.com was downloaded in 0.0169 seconds. The homepage of the website is of 0.7764 Kb. The homepage was downloaded at the speed of 0.0449 Mbps, which is on the lower side.
www.dwitiyalifecare.com business details :
We could not found details of the business associated with the website www.dwitiyalifecare.com
Website Rank & Score to dwitiyalifecare.com by Global & Country
The AuraStats, which measures best global as well country Alexa ranking performace of www.dwitiyalifecare.com. www.dwitiyalifecare.com ranks is not applicable. www.dwitiyalifecare.com is not a top rated website as per Alexa Ranking. The website www.dwitiyalifecare.com does not rank amongst top 1 million websites globally or in its country.
Global Alexa Rank | Not Applicable |
Country Alexa Rank | Not Applicable |
Web Server Information - www.dwitiyalifecare.com
dwitiyalifecare.com is hosted on Server in GoDaddy.com LLC Data Center. Approximate latitude and logitude of the IP are 33.601974487305 and -111.88791656494 respectively. dwitiyalifecare.com is hosted in Scottsdale, Arizona, United States.
Hosted IP Address | |
Hosted Country | United States |
Location Latitude | 33.601974487305 |
Location Longitude | -111.88791656494 |
Server ISP | GoDaddy.com LLC |
Server Region | Arizona |
Server City | Scottsdale |
Page Title of www.dwitiyalifecare.com
Dwitiya Life Care | 9886202030 | old age home with nursing care, elderly care centers in bangalore, Post Hospitalization In-Patient Rehabilitation, post operative rehabilitation centers bangalore, respite care for elderly bangalore, day care centre for senior citizens in bangalore, Shoulder arthroscopy in jp nagar, Sports medicine in jp nagar, Sports specialist in jp nagar, Arthroscopy treatment in jp nagar, Knee pain treatment in jp nagar, Neck pain treatment in jp nagar, Back pain treatment in jp nagar, Slip disc treatment in jp nagar, Non operative treatment for osteoporosis, Non operative treatment for osteoarthritis, Plasma rich protein therapy in jp nagar, PRP Treatment in jp nagar, Key hole surgery in jp nagar, PCL injury in jp nagar, Arthroscopic surgeon in Jp nagar, Orthopedic surgeon in Jp nagar, respite care for elderly in bangalore, ACL injury center in jp nagar, Ligament injury in jp nagar, Hip replacement in jp nagar, Knee replacement in jp nagar, Shoulder pain centre in jp nagar, Spine surgery in jp nagar, Joint replacement surgery in jp nagar, Sports injury care in jp nagar, Joint fluid therapy in jp nagar, Stem cell therapy in jp nagar, Vaccination in jp nagar, Adult vaccination in jp nagar, Sugar test center in jp nagar, Fever, Blood collection centre in jp nagar, General health check up in jp nagar, Health check up in jp nagar, Recovery center in jp nagar, physiotherapy in jp nagar, Advanced physiotherapy in jp nagar, Nursing care in jp nagar, Laboratory in jp nagar, Post hospital care in jp nagar, Post surgery care in jp nagar, Dementia care in jp nagar, Day care for elders in jp nagar, Short term care for elders, old age home in jp nagar, Paralysis treatment in jp nagar, Dialysis in jp nagar, medical assistance for elders in jp nagar, Fracture care in jp nagar, Home care in jp nagar, Respite care in jp nagar, Temporary care for elder in jp nagar, Operative care in jp nagar, Post operative care in jp nagar, Stroke care in jp nagar, First aid in jp nagar, First aid in jp nagar, Post hospitalization care in jp nagar, Cancer care in jp nagar, Rehabilitation centre in jp nagar, Wound care in jp nagar, Bed sore care in jp nagar, medical care for elders in jp nagar, Elder care in jp nagar, Painless ear piercing in jp nagar, Arthroscopic surgeon in bangalore, Nursing care in bangalore, Post hospitalization care in bangalore, Post operative care in bangalore, Recovery center in bangalore, medical assistance for elders in bangalore, Arthroscopy treatment in bangalore, medical care for elders in bangalore, Day care for elders in bangalore, Dementia care in bangalore, Rehabilitation centre in bangalore, old age home in bangalore, Old age care centers in bangalore, Care centre for old age in bangalore, Care taker for old age in bangalore, Short term care for old age in bangalore, day care centre for old age in bangalore, post surgery rehabilitation in bangalore, respite care in bangalore, medical assistance for old age in bangalore, nursing care for old age in bangalore, Patients Rehabilitation in bangalore, Old age care takers in bangalore near Annaiah Road, Anuradha Industrial Estate, Ashrama Road, Jaraganahalli, JP Nagar, Marenahalli, Sarakki Layout, SBI Colony, Kumaraswamy Naidu Road, Yelachenahalli, Kumarswamy Layout, J P Nagar, JP 1st Phase, Banashankari, Illyasnagar, Teacher Colony, Kanakapura Road, Vikramnagar
Meta Tags of www.dwitiyalifecare.com
Upon analysing the homepage of www.dwitiyalifecare.com, we found the following meta keywords - old age home with nursing care, elderly care centers in bangalore, Post Hospitalization In-Patient Rehabilitation, post operative rehabilitation centers bangalore, respite care for elderly bangalore, day care centre for senior citizens in bangalore, Shoulder arthroscopy in jp nagar, Sports medicine in jp nagar, Sports specialist in jp nagar, Arthroscopy treatment in jp nagar, Knee pain treatment in jp nagar, Neck pain treatment in jp nagar, Back pain treatment in jp nagar, Slip disc treatment in jp nagar, Non operative treatment for osteoporosis, Non operative treatment for osteoarthritis, Plasma rich protein therapy in jp nagar, PRP Treatment in jp nagar, Key hole surgery in jp nagar, PCL injury in jp nagar, Arthroscopic surgeon in Jp nagar, Orthopedic surgeon in Jp nagar, respite care for elderly in bangalore, ACL injury center in jp nagar, Ligament injury in jp nagar, Hip replacement in jp nagar, Knee replacement in jp nagar, Shoulder pain centre in jp nagar, Spine surgery in jp nagar, Joint replacement surgery in jp nagar, Sports injury care in jp nagar, Joint fluid therapy in jp nagar, Stem cell therapy in jp nagar, Vaccination in jp nagar, Adult vaccination in jp nagar, Sugar test center in jp nagar, Fever, Blood collection centre in jp nagar, General health check up in jp nagar, Health check up in jp nagar, Recovery center in jp nagar, physiotherapy in jp nagar, Advanced physiotherapy in jp nagar, Nursing care in jp nagar, Laboratory in jp nagar, Post hospital care in jp nagar, Post surgery care in jp nagar, Dementia care in jp nagar, Day care for elders in jp nagar, Short term care for elders, old age home in jp nagar, Paralysis treatment in jp nagar, Dialysis in jp nagar, medical assistance for elders in jp nagar, Fracture care in jp nagar, Home care in jp nagar, Respite care in jp nagar, Temporary care for elder in jp nagar, Operative care in jp nagar, Post operative care in jp nagar, Stroke care in jp nagar, First aid in jp nagar, First aid in jp nagar, Post hospitalization care in jp nagar, Cancer care in jp nagar, Rehabilitation centre in jp nagar, Wound care in jp nagar, Bed sore care in jp nagar, medical care for elders in jp nagar, Elder care in jp nagar, Painless ear piercing in jp nagar, Arthroscopic surgeon in bangalore, Nursing care in bangalore, Post hospitalization care in bangalore, Post operative care in bangalore, Recovery center in bangalore, medical assistance for elders in bangalore, Arthroscopy treatment in bangalore, medical care for elders in bangalore, Day care for elders in bangalore, Dementia care in bangalore, Rehabilitation centre in bangalore, old age home in bangalore, Old age care centers in bangalore, Care centre for old age in bangalore, Care taker for old age in bangalore, Short term care for old age in bangalore, day care centre for old age in bangalore, post surgery rehabilitation in bangalore, respite care in bangalore, medical assistance for old age in bangalore, nursing care for old age in bangalore, Patients Rehabilitation in bangalore, Old age care takers in bangalore Near Annaiah Road, Anuradha Industrial Estate, Ashrama Road, Jaraganahalli, JP Nagar, Marenahalli, Sarakki Layout, SBI Colony, Kumaraswamy Naidu Road, Yelachenahalli, Kumarswamy Layout, J P Nagar, JP 1st Phase, Banashankari, Illyasnagar, Teacher Colony, Kanakapura Road, Vikramnagar.
Meta Author of www.dwitiyalifecare.com is http://dwitiyalifecare.com.
Meta Viewport of www.dwitiyalifecare.com is Mobile Optimized.
We could not find Meta Generator, Meta Framework, Meta Theme-Color, Meta Ms-App, Meta Format Detection for www.dwitiyalifecare.com
Meta Keywords | old age home with nursing care, elderly care centers in bangalore, Post Hospitalization In-Patient Rehabilitation, post operative rehabilitation centers bangalore, respite care for elderly bangalore, day care centre for senior citizens in bangalore, Shoulder arthroscopy in jp nagar, Sports medicine in jp nagar, Sports specialist in jp nagar, Arthroscopy treatment in jp nagar, Knee pain treatment in jp nagar, Neck pain treatment in jp nagar, Back pain treatment in jp nagar, Slip disc treatment in jp nagar, Non operative treatment for osteoporosis, Non operative treatment for osteoarthritis, Plasma rich protein therapy in jp nagar, PRP Treatment in jp nagar, Key hole surgery in jp nagar, PCL injury in jp nagar, Arthroscopic surgeon in Jp nagar, Orthopedic surgeon in Jp nagar, respite care for elderly in bangalore, ACL injury center in jp nagar, Ligament injury in jp nagar, Hip replacement in jp nagar, Knee replacement in jp nagar, Shoulder pain centre in jp nagar, Spine surgery in jp nagar, Joint replacement surgery in jp nagar, Sports injury care in jp nagar, Joint fluid therapy in jp nagar, Stem cell therapy in jp nagar, Vaccination in jp nagar, Adult vaccination in jp nagar, Sugar test center in jp nagar, Fever, Blood collection centre in jp nagar, General health check up in jp nagar, Health check up in jp nagar, Recovery center in jp nagar, physiotherapy in jp nagar, Advanced physiotherapy in jp nagar, Nursing care in jp nagar, Laboratory in jp nagar, Post hospital care in jp nagar, Post surgery care in jp nagar, Dementia care in jp nagar, Day care for elders in jp nagar, Short term care for elders, old age home in jp nagar, Paralysis treatment in jp nagar, Dialysis in jp nagar, medical assistance for elders in jp nagar, Fracture care in jp nagar, Home care in jp nagar, Respite care in jp nagar, Temporary care for elder in jp nagar, Operative care in jp nagar, Post operative care in jp nagar, Stroke care in jp nagar, First aid in jp nagar, First aid in jp nagar, Post hospitalization care in jp nagar, Cancer care in jp nagar, Rehabilitation centre in jp nagar, Wound care in jp nagar, Bed sore care in jp nagar, medical care for elders in jp nagar, Elder care in jp nagar, Painless ear piercing in jp nagar, Arthroscopic surgeon in bangalore, Nursing care in bangalore, Post hospitalization care in bangalore, Post operative care in bangalore, Recovery center in bangalore, medical assistance for elders in bangalore, Arthroscopy treatment in bangalore, medical care for elders in bangalore, Day care for elders in bangalore, Dementia care in bangalore, Rehabilitation centre in bangalore, old age home in bangalore, Old age care centers in bangalore, Care centre for old age in bangalore, Care taker for old age in bangalore, Short term care for old age in bangalore, day care centre for old age in bangalore, post surgery rehabilitation in bangalore, respite care in bangalore, medical assistance for old age in bangalore, nursing care for old age in bangalore, Patients Rehabilitation in bangalore, Old age care takers in bangalore Near Annaiah Road, Anuradha Industrial Estate, Ashrama Road, Jaraganahalli, JP Nagar, Marenahalli, Sarakki Layout, SBI Colony, Kumaraswamy Naidu Road, Yelachenahalli, Kumarswamy Layout, J P Nagar, JP 1st Phase, Banashankari, Illyasnagar, Teacher Colony, Kanakapura Road, Vikramnagar |
Meta Author | http://dwitiyalifecare.com |
Meta Generator | Not Applicable |
Meta Viewport | Mobile Optimized |
Meta Framework | Not Applicable |
Meta Theme Color | Not Applicable |
Meta MS-App | Not Applicable |
Meta Format Detection | Not Applicable |
Social Accounts
www.dwitiyalifecare.com has a Facebook page link on its website. The Facebook link of www.dwitiyalifecare.com is https://www.facebook.com/dwitiyalifecare
We could not find Youtube URL, Instagram URL, Lindedin URL for www.dwitiyalifecare.com
Facebook Link |
https://www.facebook.com/dwitiyalifecare |
Youtube Link |
Not Available |
Instagram Link |
Not Available |
Linkedin Link |
Not Available |
Contact Information - dwitiyalifecare.com
Contact Number |
We could not find any contact number for dwitiyalifecare.com. To find contact number of dwitiyalifecare.com, we recommend you visit dwitiyalifecare.com and find it there. |
Email Address |
We found the Email ID for dwitiyalifecare.com as follows. |
[email protected] |
Domain TYPOS
Some common domain name typos of dwitiyalifecare.com are as follows:
Website Inpage Analysis
We didn't find any H5 Tags, H6 Tags, Audio Tags, Video Tags, Google Adsense, Google Analytics on dwitiyalifecare.com, however, there are 2 H1 Tags, 6 H2 Tags, 4 H3 Tags, 5 H4 Tags, 24 Paragraph Tags, 7 Iframe Tags, 51 Image Tags, 101 Div Tags.
H1 Heading | 2 |
H3 Heading | 4 |
H5 Heading | Not Applicable |
P Tag | 24 |
Total IFRAMEs | 7 |
Audio | Not Applicable |
Google Adsense | Not Applicable |
H2 Heading | 6 |
H4 Heading | 5 |
H6 Heading | Not Applicable |
Total Images | 51 |
Div Tag | 101 |
Video | Not Applicable |
Google Analytics | Not Applicable |
HTTP Header Analysis
Following is the HTTP Header Analyis of www.dwitiyalifecare.com
DNS Record Analysis
Host | Type | TTL | Extra |
dwitiyalifecare.com | A | 10800 | IP : |
dwitiyalifecare.com | NS | 3600 | Target : ns55.domaincontrol.com |
dwitiyalifecare.com | NS | 3600 | Target : ns56.domaincontrol.com |
dwitiyalifecare.com | SOA | 3600 |
MNAME : ns55.domaincontrol.com RNAME : dns.jomax.net Serial : 2020110700 Refresh : 28800 Retry : 7200 Expire : 604800 Minimum TTL : 600 |
dwitiyalifecare.com | MX | 3600 | Target : mail.dwitiyalifecare.com |
dwitiyalifecare.com | TXT | 3600 | Text : v=spf1 a mx ptr include:secureserver.net ~all |