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List Of Websites Alphabetically
Website URL | Website Title |
sites.google.com | Photovista | Naturevista 2013 - winsignfoundation |
cardtn.org.in | Community Action for Rural Development - CARD |
asvlct.org | Alagirisamy Vijayalakshmi Charitable Trust |
ywamtrichycdp.org | ywamtrichycdp |
mahaguru.co.in | Mahilvithu Mahil – Manthrigam, Yatcini,Yanthram, Astro, Poja, shree chakra, astro training class |
national-human-rights-anti-crime-anti-corruption-bureau.ueniweb.com | National Human Rights Anti Crime Anti Corruption Burea |
lala.org.in | Light and Life Association |
abiramiwomentrust.com | Abirami Women Trust |
skgt.in | SKGT TRUST |
jkhfindia.org | Kashmir Humanity Foundation,Srinagar Kashmir Coronavirus relief,Covid-19, Charity Coronavirus relief,Covid-19 help,Covid, portable,coronavirus hand washing, Coronavirus, apparatuses and protective gears, Coronavirus Coronavirus, Personal Protection, Coronavirus, Equipment to service providers, Covid-19 dry ration CoronavirusNGO,Baramulla NGO,Best FCRA NGO of Jammu and Kashmir,Indian NGO, India Asia, FCRA NGO IN KASHMIR,FCRA NGO IN SRINAGAR,widow NGO,NGO,FCRA NGO in kashmir,NGO Flood,NGO,Charity NGO, FCRA in Baramulla NGO,FCRA Approved NGO,Flood NGO India Chennai Tamilnadu Kashmir Flood Working NGO,Nepal-India Earthquake,children NGO, NGO Online Charity Shop of Kashmir Humanity Foundation ,Shalter,Home for Blind Peoples In Kashmir, FCRA OF KASHMIR NGO,Zakat Calculator of NGO,KHF, 2015 Nepal Earthquake, in Kashmir, Best NGO of India, working NGO of Jammu, NGO works for humanity, Indian NGO, NGO for Poor children’s, NGO for women’s empowerment, NGO of charity in India, Best NGO of Jammu and Kashmir, top Charity association in Jammu and Kashmir, India, NGO working for betterment of India Asia, volunteers for India, donate, to KHF, most charity deserve NGO/Charity, in Jammu and Kashmir India, donate for cause, help people in Jammu and Kashmir, donate goods, time, money, suggestions for serving humanity, need help from NGO in indie, NGO de Jammu et Cachemire , le plus pauvre du Cachemire, Face au manqué de structures educative au Cachemire,NGO de inde ,charitable association of Jammu & Kashmir India genuine and reputed NGO in India Jammu and Kashmir, awarded social charity in Kashmir, registered charity of Jammu & Kashmir, carrier in NGO at of Jammu and Kashmir India Asia, Donate for venerable children’s, Donate for deprived/poor children’s, Donate for women’s empowerment, Donate for tailoring centre in Jammu and Kashmir, help the Jammu and Kashmir NGO, donate one day wages for development, donate goods, our programs Primary education ,Computer training, Cutting and tailoring training, Handicrafts training Women’s empowerment, Awareness of different Subjects/ Topics ,Sanitation in rural areas ,education for dropouts, In last year’s our activities have broadened in the fields of female literacy, formal education for children, non-formal education, rural employment, income generating skills, community health and awareness programs on various social issues, The activities reach out to poor and marginalized women, adolescents and disadvantaged and marginalized children from rural and urban areas of Jammu and Kashmir India, Skill training programs for Women/unemployed youths , Give a poor woman the means to earn a living by sponsoring a 6 month livelihood training, , Philanthroper, love, peace NGO, international NGO, top NGO of Asia, creating donation for Jammu and Kashmir NGO, Non Governmental Organization, NGO Exempted registered under section 12 A of the Income Tax Act 1961 and with the IT exemption 80G. Donations are exempted from Income Tax U/s. 80 G (5) of the Income Tax Act 1961. Donate for a child in India, donate online, and donate via wire transfer, helping hands for humanity, collaborate with us, we offer collaboration with you, education gift, donate one day salary, give India support/donation, India NGOs, Nonprofit Organizations Online Donation & Charity, nonprofit organizations Jammu and Kashmir, charities, private voluntary organizations Jammu and Kashmir, donate for the noble cause, in Kashmir, support half widows & orphans in Jammu Kashmir, donate to whom. |
tgnns.com | Telangana NavaNirmana Sena - Telangana News about hyderabad Rangareddy Real estate |
vrdsudayagiri.org | Home | VRDS |
srhrc.in | Welcome to SRHRC- Spiritual Relation and Human values Resource Centre | Home |
ecoclubindia.org | ECO CLUB |
thesunngo.org | Welcome to THE SUN |
jamiafaizululoom.com | Quran | Jamia Faizul Uloom |
jeeyarkakinada.com | Sri Sri Sri Tridandi Sriranga Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamyji |
hopeforgodministries.business.site | Hope for God ministries - Non-Profit Organization in Gandepalli |
sochindia.com | sochindia |
awfhelpindia.org | Alliance welfare foundation |
jansevavikasm.org | Home | Janseva Vikas Mandal Org. |
shareandcare-foundation.org | Share And Care |
thehelpassociation.org | Coming Soon |
sripadanivasam.org | Welcome to Sri Pada Nivasam |
missionhope.org.in | mission hope |
ugamgvs.org | Ugam gramin Vikas Sanstha |
jgpss.org | JGPSS – Together we can |
missionjyothi.org | Home | missionjyothi |
thetruefriends.org | thetruefriends |
sangawari.org | Sangawari | Smart Farming in India| Agrotech Startup - Cultivating Future |
bvppkl12a.wordpress.com | Bharat Vikas Parishad, Sector 12A, Panchkula | Charitable and Research Trust |
healsociety.in | Non Profit Organisation | Heal Society | Telangana |
yeshua-of-nazarene-ministries.business.site | Yeshua of Nazarene ministries - Non-Profit Organization in Warangal |
bethzathamission.org.in | Bethzatha Mission |
ashraya.in | Ashraya |
kissro.org | Space,Science & Research Organization in India,Educational and Research Organisation, |
vadakkadathupadinjattethil.blogspot.com | THE PLACE BEYOND PARADISE |
gita-blog.com | Bhagvadh Gita Blog – Gita |
blendsoflifefoundation.com | Blendsoflife | Blends Of Life Foundation | Panchkula |
internationalspacesociety.org | Home Page |
stjohnambulancepta.org | St.John Ambulance (India), Pathanamthitta District Centre, Kerala, India |
aggarwaljanarogyatrust.com | Aggarwal Jan Arogya Trust Panchkula |
kukvc.in | Krishi Udyami Krishak Vikas Chamber |
tpas.co.in | tpas |
vanangrakshak.in | Van Angrakshak – From Humans To Forests |
jharkhandhumanityfoundation.com | Jharkhand Humanity Foundation |
kisansanchar.com | kisansanchar |
aligsociety.org | ALIG | NGO in India for Education Health and Skill Development |
cplindia.org | Citizens for Public Leadership |
redoact.com | Redoact - Let's Think. Act & React Together! |